Testing testing...

I covered the Battle of Britain memorial service last weekend and got there early, giving me time to find some angles before the service kicked off...although I don't think one 'kicks off' a memorial service. Anyways, I shot the above without being harassed or arrested for photographing children in the park...and no, I didn't offer them any sweets. This was a test for what turned out to be the front page photo.

I was trying to find new, more interesting ways to shoot this annual event. I'm sure what I came up with was nothing that hasn't been seen before, but it was different to me and more interesting. I knew the paper would usually use a max of 2/3 pics, but I wanted to shoot more for myself, and let the subs choose what they wanted from that.
I think this is a healthier mentality for me than thinking "oh, they'll only use one, so I'll only shoot one" and "they'll be expecting this picture, so that's what I'll give them".
It's very easy to fall into thinking and doing just that (and at times I do) especially under time constraints and with several jobs in quick succession. But for the sake of sanity, I've started to have the confidence to shoot for myself while getting pics for the paper, and submitting them with (or instead of) the expected/safe options.
Heres a couple more from last weekend...

A veteran reads the names on the cenotaph...

Wreaths laid at the base of the cenotaph with veteran in the background...

Veterans lined up in rows at the service...

Three pipers piping...or not as the case may be.

More wreaths, more veterans...

In total I had 6 pics published (5 used big on one page, and 1 on the front), which is 4 more than I was expecting. They also stuck them all on a slide show on the web!...which is nice :)


Amy Fenton said...

I love the one of the man reading the cenotaph with his shadow next to him... really poignant...

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