In the land of Giants...

At the moment I am in the middle of an epic task. To photograph some 60-70 primary school reception classes in the area as part of the paper's First Class supplement. I agreed to do all of them, so that they would match in style. (As it turns out thats not quite logistically possible, so some will be done by the other staffers.) The other staffers think I'm mad, but I'd like to think they are appreciative of my sacrifice :p

Truth be told I'm quite enjoying the challenge. Dealing with little kiddies all day can be really hard work, but it can also be fun and some of the antics they get up to keep me amused. Today I had a bit of a nightmare, as one of my wireless receivers was playing up. Coupled with that I had a kid crying because the sun was too bright ( I looked up, all I saw has cloud! It was a little bright, but seriously kid...), and the teachers were worried and trying to understand what was wrong with the kid, as well as trying to keep all 28 children in check. I was also running late (no surprise there then) and needed to be somewhere else 5 minutes ago...

I ended up just shooting with one flash trying to light 28 kids. Not ideal. (don't tell anyone, but I used a frame when both flashes went off, then photoshopped a couple of heads that were, shall we say, 'unfavourable'.)

I was also filmed later on in the day for a little video preview for the First Class supplement. I wait with baited breath for the results of that...

More tk...


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